New Zealand orange roughy - Certified
View DetailsStatus (Units of Certification) Species Gear Type Ocean Area Certificate Code MSC UoC Number Certified Orange roughy (Hoplostethus atlanticus) Trawls - Bottom trawls 81 (Pacific, Southwest) MSC-F-31281 (MRAG-F-0059) UoC-1111 Improvement Program Orange roughy (Hoplostethus atlanticus) Trawls - Bottom trawls 81 (Pacific, Southwest) UoC-2356 Certified Orange roughy (Hoplostethus atlanticus) Trawls - Bottom trawls 81 (Pacific, Southwest) MSC-F-31281 (MRAG-F-0059) UoC-2357 -
Australia orange roughy - eastern zone trawl - Certified
View DetailsStatus (Units of Certification) Species Gear Type Ocean Area Certificate Code MSC UoC Number Certified Orange roughy (Hoplostethus atlanticus) Trawls - Bottom trawls: Demersal trawl 57 (Indian Ocean, Eastern), 81 (Pacific, Southwest) MSC-F-31643 UoC-2277 Withdrawn Orange roughy (Hoplostethus atlanticus) Trawls - Bottom trawls: Demersal trawl 57 (Indian Ocean, Eastern), 81 (Pacific, Southwest) UoC-2358 -
Indonesia Southeast Maluku Evu mud crab trap - In-transition to MSC
View DetailsStatus (Units of Certification) Species Gear Type Ocean Area MSC UoC Number In-transition to MSC Indo-Pacific swamp crab (Scylla serrata) Traps - Pots: Pots (bubu) 71 (Pacific, Western Central) UoC-2475 In-transition to MSC Orange mud crab (Scylla olivacea) Traps - Pots: Pots (bubu) 71 (Pacific, Western Central) UoC-2476 -
Chile squat lobsters and nylon shrimp modified Trawl - Certified
View DetailsStatus (Units of Certification) Species Gear Type Ocean Area Certificate Code MSC UoC Number Certified Blue squat lobster (Cervimunida johni) Trawls - Bottom trawls 87 (Pacific, Southeast) MSC-F-31264 (F-BV-0424) UoC-1055 Certified Blue squat lobster (Cervimunida johni) Trawls - Bottom trawls 87 (Pacific, Southeast) MSC-F-31264 (F-BV-0424) UoC-1054 Certified Blue squat lobster (Cervimunida johni) Trawls - Bottom trawls 87 (Pacific, Southeast) MSC-F-31264 (F-BV-0424) UoC-1056 Certified Carrot squat lobster (Pleuroncodes monodon) Trawls - Bottom trawls 87 (Pacific, Southeast) MSC-F-31264 (F-BV-0424) UoC-1057 Certified Carrot squat lobster (Pleuroncodes monodon) Trawls - Bottom trawls 87 (Pacific, Southeast) MSC-F-31264 (F-BV-0424) UoC-1058 Certified Carrot squat lobster (Pleuroncodes monodon) Trawls - Bottom trawls 87 (Pacific, Southeast) MSC-F-31264 (F-BV-0424) UoC-1059 Certified Chilean nylon shrimp (Heterocarpus reedi) Trawls - Bottom trawls 87 (Pacific, Southeast) MSC-F-31264 (F-BV-0424) UoC-1052 Certified Chilean nylon shrimp (Heterocarpus reedi) Trawls - Bottom trawls 87 (Pacific, Southeast) MSC-F-31264 (F-BV-0424) UoC-1053 -
Chile squat lobsters and nylon shrimp Crustáceos Sur S.A. demersal trawl fishery - Certified
View DetailsStatus (Units of Certification) Species Gear Type Ocean Area Certificate Code MSC UoC Number Certified Blue squat lobster (Cervimunida johni) Trawls - Bottom trawls 87 (Pacific, Southeast) MSC-F-31294 (BV-F-0550) UoC-1282 Certified Carrot squat lobster (Pleuroncodes monodon) Trawls - Bottom trawls 87 (Pacific, Southeast) MSC-F-31294 (BV-F-0550) UoC-1281 Certified Chilean nylon shrimp (Heterocarpus reedi) Trawls - Bottom trawls 87 (Pacific, Southeast) MSC-F-31294 (BV-F-0550) UoC-2894
Certificate Code: A unique identifier associated with different components of a fishery. Clicking on a Certificate Code will download the Certificate file that contains the detailed scope of the certification.
Certifier: Body that performs conformity assessment services for fisheries against the MSC Standard during certification process.
Gear Type: Method used to capture the target species.
Ocean Area: Location of fishing activity by FAO Major Fishing Area.
MSC UoC Number: Unique identifier used only by this website to assist users in seeing the same Units of Assessment/Units of Certification across different pages and tables.
Species: Those species which have been assessed under Principle 1 of the MSC Principles and Criteria for Sustainable Fishing for an individual fishery. Presented as 'Common name (scientific name)' throughout the site.
Status (Units of Certification): Individual Units of Assessment/Units of Certification within a single fishery are assigned a status related to their assessment against the MSC Standard.
Certified: Has a valid MSC Certificate.
In Assessment: Undergoing assessment against the MSC Standard.
Suspended: MSC certification temporarily invalid.
Withdrawn: No longer in the program.
Not certified: Did not meet the MSC Standard.
Units of Assessment: The target stock(s) combined with the fishing method/gear and practice (including vessel type/s) pursuing that stock, and any fleets, or groups of vessels, or individual fishing operators or other eligible fishers that are included in an MSC fishery assessment.
Units of Certification: The target stock(s) combined with the fishing method/gear and practice (including vessel/s) pursuing that stock. When the term “unit of certification” is used for fisheries that are in assessment, it refers to the “unit of assessment” or “unit of potential certification”.