Australia Northern prawn - Certified
View DetailsStatus (Units of Certification) Species Gear Type Ocean Area Certificate Code MSC UoC Number Certified Banana prawn (Fenneropenaeus merguiensis) Trawls - Bottom trawls - otter trawls 71 (Pacific, Western Central) MSC-F-31347 (MRAG-F-0009) UoC-0634 Certified Blue endeavour prawn (Metapenaeus endeavouri) Trawls - Bottom trawls - otter trawls 71 (Pacific, Western Central) MSC-F-31347 (MRAG-F-0009) UoC-0631 Certified Brown tiger prawn (Penaeus esculentus) Trawls - Bottom trawls - otter trawls 71 (Pacific, Western Central) MSC-F-31347 (MRAG-F-0009) UoC-0629 Certified Grooved tiger prawn (Penaeus semisulcatus) Trawls - Bottom trawls - otter trawls 71 (Pacific, Western Central) MSC-F-31347 (MRAG-F-0009) UoC-0630 Certified Indian white prawn (Fenneropenaeus indicus) Trawls - Bottom trawls - otter trawls 71 (Pacific, Western Central) MSC-F-31347 (MRAG-F-0009) UoC-0633 Certified Red endeavour prawn (Metapenaeus ensis) Trawls - Bottom trawls - otter trawls 71 (Pacific, Western Central) MSC-F-31347 (MRAG-F-0009) UoC-0632 -
Spencer Gulf king prawn - Certified
View DetailsStatus (Units of Certification) Species Gear Type Ocean Area Certificate Code MSC UoC Number Certified Western king prawn (Penaeus (Melicertus) latisulcatus) Trawls - Bottom trawls 57 (Indian Ocean, Eastern) MSC-F-31257 (MRAG-F-0058) UoC-0446 -
Western Australia Gascoyne Line fishery - Withdrawn
View DetailsStatus (Units of Certification) Species Gear Type Ocean Area MSC UoC Number Withdrawn Crimson jobfish (Pristipomoides filamentosus) Hooks And Lines: Mechanised or Hand 57 (Indian Ocean, Eastern) UoC-1417 Withdrawn Deepsea jewfish (Glaucosoma buergeri) Hooks And Lines: Mechanised or Hand 57 (Indian Ocean, Eastern) UoC-1427 Withdrawn Eightbar grouper (Hyporthodus octofasciatus) Hooks And Lines: Mechanised or Hand 57 (Indian Ocean, Eastern) UoC-1428 Withdrawn Emperor red snapper (Lutjanus sebae) Hooks And Lines: Mechanised or Hand 57 (Indian Ocean, Eastern) UoC-1418 Withdrawn Goldbanded jobfish (Pristipomoides multidens) Hooks And Lines: Mechanised or Hand 57 (Indian Ocean, Eastern) UoC-1415 Withdrawn Greater amberjack (Seriola dumerili) Hooks And Lines: Mechanised or Hand 57 (Indian Ocean, Eastern) UoC-1423 Withdrawn Japanese meagre (Argyrosomus japonicus) Hooks And Lines: Mechanised or Hand 57 (Indian Ocean, Eastern) UoC-1421 Withdrawn Malabar grouper (Epinephelus malabaricus) Hooks And Lines: Mechanised or Hand 57 (Indian Ocean, Eastern) UoC-1425 Withdrawn Orange-spotted grouper (Epinephelus coioides) Hooks And Lines: Mechanised or Hand 57 (Indian Ocean, Eastern) UoC-1424 Withdrawn Ruby snapper (Etelis sp) Hooks And Lines: Mechanised or Hand 57 (Indian Ocean, Eastern) UoC-1429 Withdrawn Sharptooth jobfish (Pristipomoides typus) Hooks And Lines: Mechanised or Hand 57 (Indian Ocean, Eastern) UoC-1416 Withdrawn Silver seabream (Pagrus auratus) Hooks And Lines: Mechanised or Hand 57 (Indian Ocean, Eastern) UoC-1426 Withdrawn Spangled emperor (Lethrinus nebulosus) Hooks And Lines: Mechanised or Hand 57 (Indian Ocean, Eastern) UoC-1422 Withdrawn Trumpet emperor (Lethrinus miniatus) Hooks And Lines: Mechanised or Hand 57 (Indian Ocean, Eastern) UoC-1419 Withdrawn White-blotched grouper (Epinephelus multinotatus) Hooks And Lines: Mechanised or Hand 57 (Indian Ocean, Eastern) UoC-1420 -
Western Australia Pilbara Demersal Scalefish trap fishery - Withdrawn
View DetailsStatus (Units of Certification) Species Gear Type Ocean Area MSC UoC Number Withdrawn Areolate grouper (Epinephelus areolatus) Traps 57 (Indian Ocean, Eastern) UoC-1368 Withdrawn Blue spotted emperor (Lethrinus punctulatus) Traps 57 (Indian Ocean, Eastern) UoC-1369 Withdrawn Brownstripe red snapper (Lutjanus vitta) Traps 57 (Indian Ocean, Eastern) UoC-1365 Withdrawn Crimson jobfish (Pristipomoides filamentosus) Traps 57 (Indian Ocean, Eastern) UoC-1406 Withdrawn Crimson snapper (Lutjanus erythropterus) Traps 57 (Indian Ocean, Eastern) UoC-1366 Withdrawn Emperor red snapper (Lutjanus sebae) Traps 57 (Indian Ocean, Eastern) UoC-1362 Withdrawn Falkor chimaera (Chimaera didierae) Traps 57 (Indian Ocean, Eastern) UoC-1409 Withdrawn Goldbanded jobfish (Pristipomoides multidens) Traps 57 (Indian Ocean, Eastern) UoC-1364 Withdrawn Longface emperor (Lethrinus olivaceus) Traps 57 (Indian Ocean, Eastern) UoC-1407 Withdrawn Malabar blood snapper (Lutjanus malabaricus) Traps 57 (Indian Ocean, Eastern) UoC-1367 Withdrawn Russell's snapper (Lutjanus russelli) Traps 57 (Indian Ocean, Eastern) UoC-1411 Withdrawn Sharptooth jobfish (Pristipomoides typus) Traps 57 (Indian Ocean, Eastern) UoC-1413 Withdrawn Spangled emperor (Lethrinus nebulosus) Traps 57 (Indian Ocean, Eastern) UoC-1404 Withdrawn Spotted coralgrouper (Plectropomus maculatus) Traps 57 (Indian Ocean, Eastern) UoC-1408 Withdrawn White-blotched grouper (Epinephelus multinotatus) Traps 57 (Indian Ocean, Eastern) UoC-1363 Withdrawn Yellowstreaked snapper (Lutjanus lemniscatus) Traps 57 (Indian Ocean, Eastern) UoC-1405 -
Australia silverlip pearl oyster - Certified
View DetailsStatus (Units of Certification) Species Gear Type Ocean Area Certificate Code MSC UoC Number Certified Silverlip pearl oyster (Pinctada maxima) Miscellaneous Gear: Hand collection 57 (Indian Ocean, Eastern) MSC-F-30005 UoC-1273 Certified Silverlip pearl oyster (Pinctada maxima) Miscellaneous Gear: Hand collection 57 (Indian Ocean, Eastern) MSC-F-30005 UoC-1272 Certified Silverlip pearl oyster (Pinctada maxima) Miscellaneous Gear: Hand harvesting of wild broodstock and hatchery reared 57 (Indian Ocean, Eastern) MSC-F-30005 UoC-2845 -
Western Australia sea cucumber - Certified
View DetailsStatus (Units of Certification) Species Gear Type Ocean Area Certificate Code MSC UoC Number Certified Deep-water redfish (Actinopyga echinites) Miscellaneous Gear: Hand collection by diving or wading 57 (Indian Ocean, Eastern) MSC-F-31448 UoC-1926 Certified Sandfish (Holothuria scabra) Miscellaneous Gear: Hand collection by diving or wading 57 (Indian Ocean, Eastern) MSC-F-31448 UoC-1924 Suspended Sandfish (Holothuria scabra) Miscellaneous Gear: Hand collection by diving or wading 57 (Indian Ocean, Eastern) MSC-F-31448 UoC-1925 -
Exmouth Gulf Prawns - Certified
View DetailsStatus (Units of Certification) Species Gear Type Ocean Area Certificate Code MSC UoC Number Certified Blue endeavour prawn (Metapenaeus endeavouri) Trawls - Bottom trawls - otter trawls: Quad rigged 57 (Indian Ocean, Eastern) MSC-F-30006 UoC-1958 Certified Brown tiger prawn (Penaeus esculentus) Trawls - Bottom trawls - otter trawls 57 (Indian Ocean, Eastern) MSC-F-30006 UoC-1138 Certified Western king prawn (Penaeus (Melicertus) latisulcatus) Trawls - Bottom trawls - otter trawls 57 (Indian Ocean, Eastern) MSC-F-30006 UoC-1137 -
Western Australia Peel Harvey Estuarine blue swimmer crab and sea mullet - Certified
View DetailsStatus (Units of Certification) Species Gear Type Ocean Area Certificate Code MSC UoC Number Suspended Blue swimming crab (Portunus armatus) Falling Gear 57 (Indian Ocean, Eastern) MSC-F-31420 UoC-1162 Suspended Blue swimming crab (Portunus armatus) Traps 57 (Indian Ocean, Eastern) MSC-F-31420 UoC-1163 Certified Blue swimming crab (Portunus armatus) Traps - Pots 57 (Indian Ocean, Eastern) MSC-F-31420 UoC-1161 Withdrawn Flathead grey mullet (Mugil cephalus) Gillnets And Entangling Nets - Gillnets 57 (Indian Ocean, Eastern) MSC-F-31420 UoC-1164 Certified Flathead grey mullet (Mugil cephalus) Seine Nets 57 (Indian Ocean, Eastern) MSC-F-31420 UoC-1191 -
New South Wales Eastern rock lobster trap fishery - Certified
View DetailsStatus (Units of Certification) Species Gear Type Ocean Area Certificate Code MSC UoC Number Certified Green rock lobster (Sagmariasus verreauxi) Traps 81 (Pacific, Southwest) MSC-F-31606 UoC-2749 -
Shark Bay prawn - Certified
View DetailsStatus (Units of Certification) Species Gear Type Ocean Area Certificate Code MSC UoC Number Certified Brown tiger prawn (Penaeus esculentus) Trawls - Bottom trawls - otter trawls 57 (Indian Ocean, Eastern) MSC-F-31208 (MRAG-F-0048) UoC-1143 Certified Western king prawn (Penaeus (Melicertus) latisulcatus) Trawls - Bottom trawls - otter trawls 57 (Indian Ocean, Eastern) MSC-F-31208 (MRAG-F-0048) UoC-1142 -
South East Australia small pelagic fishery (commonwealth) mid-water trawl for blue mackerel, jack mackerel and redbait - Certified
View DetailsStatus (Units of Certification) Species Gear Type Ocean Area Certificate Code MSC UoC Number Certified Blue mackerel (Scomber australasicus) Trawls - Midwater trawls 57 (Indian Ocean, Eastern), 81 (Pacific, Southwest) MSC-F-31433 UoC-1988 Certified Greenback horse mackerel (Trachurus declivis) Trawls - Midwater trawls 57 (Indian Ocean, Eastern), 81 (Pacific, Southwest) MSC-F-31433 UoC-1989 Certified Redbait (Emmelichthys nitidus) Trawls - Midwater trawls 57 (Indian Ocean, Eastern), 81 (Pacific, Southwest) MSC-F-31433 UoC-1991 -
Abrolhos Island and Mid-West scallop trawl fishery - Certified
View DetailsStatus (Units of Certification) Species Gear Type Ocean Area Certificate Code MSC UoC Number Certified Ballot's saucer scallop (Ylistrum balloti) Trawls - Otter twin trawls 57 (Indian Ocean, Eastern) MSC-F-31526 UoC-2474 -
Australia mackerel icefish - Combined with another assessment
View DetailsStatus (Units of Certification) Species Gear Type Ocean Area MSC UoC Number Withdrawn Mackerel icefish (Champsocephalus gunnari) Trawls - Bottom trawls 58 (Indian Ocean, Antarctic) UoC-0065 Withdrawn Mackerel icefish (Champsocephalus gunnari) Trawls - Midwater trawls 58 (Indian Ocean, Antarctic) UoC-1955 -
Australia royal red prawn - Certified
View DetailsStatus (Units of Certification) Species Gear Type Ocean Area Certificate Code MSC UoC Number Certified Jack-knife shrimp (Haliporoides sibogae) Trawls - Bottom trawls - otter trawls 81 (Pacific, Southwest) MSC-F-31595 UoC-2788 -
Macquarie Island (MI) toothfish - Certified
View DetailsStatus (Units of Certification) Species Gear Type Ocean Area Certificate Code MSC UoC Number Certified Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) Hooks And Lines - Set longlines 81 (Pacific, Southwest) MSC-F-31423 UoC-0623 Withdrawn Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) Trawls - Bottom trawls 81 (Pacific, Southwest) MSC-F-31423 UoC-0622 -
South Australia Lakes and Coorong pipi - Certified
View DetailsStatus (Units of Certification) Species Gear Type Ocean Area Certificate Code MSC UoC Number Certified Australia cockle (Donax deltoides) Miscellaneous Gear: Rake 57 (Indian Ocean, Eastern) MSC-F-31424 UoC-1372 -
Bass Strait central zone scallop - Certified
View DetailsStatus (Units of Certification) Species Gear Type Ocean Area Certificate Code MSC UoC Number Certified Southern Australia scallop (Pecten fumatus) Dredges - Boat dredges: Scallop harvester vessel 57 (Indian Ocean, Eastern) MSC-F-31536 UoC-2477 -
Australia western rock lobster - Certified
View DetailsStatus (Units of Certification) Species Gear Type Ocean Area Certificate Code MSC UoC Number Certified Rock lobster (Panulirus cygnus) Traps - Pots 57 (Indian Ocean, Eastern) MSC-F-31418 UoC-0059 -
Australia southern bluefin tuna purse seine fishery - In Assessment
View DetailsStatus (Units of Certification) Species Gear Type Ocean Area MSC UoC Number In Assessment Southern bluefin tuna (Thunnus maccoyii) Surrounding Nets - With purse lines (purse seines) 57 (Indian Ocean, Eastern) UoC-2980 -
Australia east coast king prawn - Certified
View DetailsStatus (Units of Certification) Species Gear Type Ocean Area Certificate Code MSC UoC Number Certified Eastern king prawn (Penaeus plebejus) Trawls - Bottom trawls - otter trawls: Demersal otter trawl 71 (Pacific, Western Central) MSC-F-31597 UoC-2786
Certificate Code: A unique identifier associated with different components of a fishery. Clicking on a Certificate Code will download the Certificate file that contains the detailed scope of the certification.
Certifier: Body that performs conformity assessment services for fisheries against the MSC Standard during certification process.
Gear Type: Method used to capture the target species.
Ocean Area: Location of fishing activity by FAO Major Fishing Area.
MSC UoC Number: Unique identifier used only by this website to assist users in seeing the same Units of Assessment/Units of Certification across different pages and tables.
Species: Those species which have been assessed under Principle 1 of the MSC Principles and Criteria for Sustainable Fishing for an individual fishery. Presented as 'Common name (scientific name)' throughout the site.
Status (Units of Certification): Individual Units of Assessment/Units of Certification within a single fishery are assigned a status related to their assessment against the MSC Standard.
Certified: Has a valid MSC Certificate.
In Assessment: Undergoing assessment against the MSC Standard.
Suspended: MSC certification temporarily invalid.
Withdrawn: No longer in the program.
Not certified: Did not meet the MSC Standard.
Units of Assessment: The target stock(s) combined with the fishing method/gear and practice (including vessel type/s) pursuing that stock, and any fleets, or groups of vessels, or individual fishing operators or other eligible fishers that are included in an MSC fishery assessment.
Units of Certification: The target stock(s) combined with the fishing method/gear and practice (including vessel/s) pursuing that stock. When the term “unit of certification” is used for fisheries that are in assessment, it refers to the “unit of assessment” or “unit of potential certification”.