Certifier : 
Acoura Marine Limited trading as LRQA
Certified status : 
Combined with another assessment
Certified since : 
06 May 2014
Certificate expires : 
06 Nov 2024


Fisheries are composed of one or more parts, each of which is entitled to receive an MSC certificate. These parts or “units” are defined by their target stock(s), fishing gear type(s) and if relevant vessel type(s), and the fishing fleets or groups of vessels.


Some or all units that participated in this fishery are now covered by another assessment. Please see the Barents Sea cod, haddock and saithe for more information.

Units of Certification & Certificate Information

  • No longer in the program
    MSC UoC Number Species Gear Type Ocean Area Status (Units of Certification)
    UoC-0932 Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) Trawls - Bottom trawls 27 (Atlantic, Northeast) Withdrawn
    UoC-0933 Haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) Trawls - Bottom trawls 27 (Atlantic, Northeast) Withdrawn
    UoC-1724 Saithe(=Pollock) (Pollachius virens) Trawls - Bottom trawls: Bottom trawl 27 (Atlantic, Northeast) Withdrawn

View glossary of terms

Catch by Species

Species Reported Catch Year Metric Tonnes
Haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) 2019 6,777
Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) 2019 31,126
Saithe(=Pollock) (Pollachius virens) 2019 3,000

Information is provided by an independent Conformity Assessment Body as live weight (the weight of species at the time of catch, before processing) and where a fishing season covers multiple years, the end year is given as the reported catch year. Additional information is available in the latest report, see the assessments page.

About this Fishery

Certified in 2014, this fishery targets the Atlantic cod and Atlantic haddock, both of which have populations in the Barents and Norwegian seas that are discreet enough to be considered and managed as a separate North East Arctic stock. Cod in these seas become mature at between five and ten years old, which is two to three years later than populations further south in the North Sea.

The fleet in this fishery is currently made up of three vessels, mainly using bottom trawls. The haddock is effectively a bycatch of the larger cod fishery, although in abundant years there are some directed trawls and longlines targeting haddock specifically. 

A raft of enforcement measures exist to protect the stock and ensure sustainability for the future, covering both Norwegian and Russian EEZs in the fishery. These include minimum landing size (40cm), minimum mesh size for trawls (130mm) and Danish seines, maximum bycatch of undersized fish and non-target species, flexible area closures when large numbers of juveniles occur, and other seasonal and area closures.

Atlantic haddock (Melangrammus aeglefinus) image © Scandinavian Fishing Year Book


Market Information

In 2013, 5,141.5 tonnes of cod and 1,317.4 tonnes of haddock were caught in the fishery. The main commercial markets are Norway, China, the UK, Holland, Poland, Canada, the USA, France, Germany, Spain, Portugal and Iceland.